- Vrouwen moeten luisteren en doen wat ik zeg. Zij moeten vooral niet zeuren ~ Kanye West
- Chaos is a friend of mine. ~ Bob Dylan
- I think I am a child. Everything blows my mind. ~ Marc Bolan
- I told people I was a drummer before I even had a set, I was a mental drummer. ~ Keith Moon
- To those who understand, I extend my hand. To the doubtful I demand, Take me as I am ~ Dream Theater
- I Was Perceiving Myself As Good As A Man Or Equal To A Man And As Powerful And I Wanted To Look Ambiguous Because I Thought That Was A Very Interesting Statement To Make Through The Media And It Certainly Did Cause Quite A Few Ripples And Interest And Shock Waves ~ Annie Lennox
- Our TURD album?? Hahahaha! ~ Spice Girls during an interview, when a Dutch interviewer was constantly mentioning their TURD (third) album...
- We thought that if we lasted for two to three years that would be fantastic ~ Ringo Starr
- Writing About Music Is Like Dancing About Architecture ~ Laurie Anderson
- I don't know anything about music, In my life you don't have to. ~ Elvis Presley
- I got nasty habits; I take tea at three ~ Mick Jagger
- I declare that the Beatles are mutants Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen ~ Timothy Leary
- . And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds, they are immune to your consultations, they´ re quite aware of what they´ re going through. ~ David Bowie
- It was a very formative time for me when I was getting into music It was the year of the concept album and there were so many fantastic singles ~ Paul Weller
- If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. ~ John Cage
The SurfersThe Surfers is gevonden met deze leden
★ Marijke Meyer ★ Cathy Leonupun ★ Spooky ★ Patrick Alaluf ★ Esther Oosterbeek ★ Paul Braaksma ★ Gerard Joling ★ Nico Fonteyn ★ Ontbreken er leden? Voeg ze toe! Van The Surfers is deze discografie gevonden
★ Windsurfin´ (Single) - 1978 Gevonden muziek van The Surfers
★ Nite At The Beach ★ Windsurfing ★ Windsurfin’ ☆ Er werden voor deze The Surfers nog geen leden ingegeven. Voeg deze toe! ☆ Was The Surfers is of was lid van een band die nog niet werd toegevoegd? Voeg deze toe! ☆ Er is een band gevonden met de naam The Surfers, met deze leden: Spooky, Nico Fonteyn, Paul Braaksma, Esther Oosterbeek, Marijke Meyer, Cathy Leonupun, Patrick Alaluf, Gerard Joling,
Hoe ziet het netwerk van The Surfers eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
★ Dit profiel werd 349× bekeken! |
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De tussenstand in onze Eigenzinnige 30 van
week 04/2025. Muziek van 1950 tot nu!3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 HOOBASTANK - The Reason 12 13 BOTS - De Lange Weg 5 14 GLASVEGAS - Daddy‘s Gone 15 15 16 17 IMAGINE DRAGONS - Enemy 26 20 21 ROB D - Clubbed To Death 27 23 24 STEELY DAN - Babylon Sister 13 26 BAUHAUS - Telegram Sam 14 27 FIVE - Got The Feeling 25 29 |